Hours & Directions

Below you will find our office hours, an interactive Google map, our address, and a driving directions button which can be used for door to door driving instructions.


Monday through Friday  9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Every other Saturday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Emergencies Welcome

Kierland Dental LLC


Kierland Dental, L.L.C.
15210 N. Scottsdale Rd. Suite 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Phone: 480-664-4558

Located on the 2nd Floor, Above North West Side of Anthropology @ Kierland Commons

Are you looking for a dentist in Scottsdale, AZ? At Kierland Dental, L.L.C., Dr. Steve Kim offers an array of dental treatments including dental exams, cosmetic dentistry, restorations, cleanings and more. Be sure to contact our Scottsdale dental office today for your next appointment.

2025 Kierland Dental, L.L.C.
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